Dorr Farms
-Gable SC-
Dorr Farms is located in Sumter County. We are a family owned 25 acre open seasonally farm for fresh local produce, strawberry, and pumpkin patch. We are conveniently located off 378. We serve Sumter, Clarendon, Lee, and surrounding counties.
We are a small family farm run by Maynard and Marie Dorr and their two kids Kristen and Tyler. The farm was bought in 1991 when Maynard and Marie got married. Growing up Maynard always planted a garden just enough for his family. After realizing they were expecting their first child. Marie decided she wanted to stay home and raise their children. They signed a contract with Prestage Farms and began growing turkeys. One year the local Clemson Extension agent Greg Harvey came to Maynard and Marie and wanted them to start selling their produce at the Farmers Market they were building. The one acre garden quickly expanded over the years.

We currently have a ten acre garden with two acres of strawberries, one acre of blueberry and blackberries. Along with over 400 hives of Honey Bees. In the fall we have a Pumpkin patch along with some Fall Fun.
In 2014 Maynard decided to grow Strawberries and bought a couple hives of Honey Bees.The first year was such a great success he decided to continue growing Strawberries and raise Honey Bees.

For a closer look at Dorr Farms watch ETV's "Making it Grow" video from July 2019.